Short CV

Current Position

September 2023 – now: postdoctoral researcher at Camille Jordan Institute, Claude Bernard University -Lyon 1. Adviser: Prof. dr. Filippo Santambrogio

April – August 2023: postdoctoral researcher in the applied analysis group at TU Eindhoven. Adviser: Prof. dr. Mark Peletier

2018-2023: PhD student in the applied analysis group at TU Eindhoven. Project: “Discrete-to-continuum convergence of evolutionary equations with variational structure”. Supervisor: Dr. Oliver Tse.

2016-2018: Postgraduate researcher in Computer Science and Information Technologies Department of specialized Modeling Tools, Institute for Information Recording of NAS Ukraine. Adviser: Dr. Dmitry Lande

2014-2016: M.Sc. in Mathematics National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sykorski Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Thesis: Mathematical model of information spread in social networks Supervisor: Dr. Dmitry Lande

2010-2014: B.Sc. in Mathematics National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sykorski Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Thesis: The system of interacting particles with variable mass in a random media Supervisor: Prof. dr. Andrey Dorogovtsev